Desperate to help save our planet, I vow never ever to use plastic again. It is clogging up the sea, it is killing the sea creatures and birds, micro plastic has woven its web down to the very depths of the ocean, and into our bodies and into the shell fish and the fish, and the animals…WE ARE KILLING OURSELVES with plastic!
Then I get thirsty, and buy a bottle of water; then I want some marinated beef, then I want to sweep the floor, then I want to wash my hair, then I want a drink of milk, then I want a picnic plate and cup, then I want a narrow rubbish bin, then I want oil, salt, pepper, apples, cheese, yoghurt, bread, nuts, mascara, body lotion, online shopping, a phone case, a jar of pickle, something to wrap my sandwiches in, a paint tray, a lid, some scissors, a box of pins, a cd case, a vaccination, a pasta drainer, a pair of glasses, a bucket, a vacuum cleaner, detergent, a cup of coffee, a fork, a chair, a printer, sunblock, lipstick, a bag…
Plastic, I’m shrink-wrapped around your little finger…
Born Whakatane, New Zealand 1961
Elam School of Fine Arts 1983-5 University of Auckland, NZ
Bowen Gallery Group Show, Wellington, NZ, 1998, 1999
College of Fine Arts, Graduated M. Art 2004, (HD) University New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Group Show, UNSW Galleries, Sydney, 2004
Mosman Art Gallery, Artists of Mosman, Sydney, 2001,2,3
Georges Heights Art Show, Sydney 2007, 8
Taught Visual Arts at Queenwood School, Sydney Grammar, Mosman Preparatory, Cherrybrook Technical, SCEGGS Redlands, Oxford Grammar, Sydney
Since arriving in Manhattan in 2019, I have been painting full time.
Rowayton Arts Centre: selected for Spring Juried Show APRIL 19—MAY 16, 2020
Zurcher Gallery, Group Show, 11 Women of Spirit, Frieze Art Fair Week, May 3 -9 2021
Urban Mural, ‘Hachi Maki’ Restaurant, 522 Columbus Ave, May 22 2021
Martumili Artists, Kulyu, Australia
Emily Kame Kngwarreye
Helen Frankenthaler
Jessica Stockholder
Mira Schendel
Sonya Terk-Delauney